Reglamento interno del hotel

Hotel: refers to the Parc ASTERIX hotel or hotels located in Parc ASTERIX and operated by GREVIN ET COMPAGNIE, a public limited company with capital of 52,913,012.57 euros, with its registered office at Parc Astérix, Plailly, 60128 Plailly, Compiègne Trade and Companies Register 334 240 033. 


Guest: refers to any person who comes to the Hotel to use accommodation and/or catering and/or meeting services and any other ancillary services provided by the Hotel. 


Any person entering the hotel, with or without a booking, accepts all the rules set out in these house rules without conditions or reservations. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse access to the Hotel to any person who does not comply with these rules or to expel them, without the Hotel being held liable in any way whatsoever. No indemnity or compensation of any kind whatsoever will be owed and no refund of any kind will be given. 


The Hotel reserves the right to take any action against such persons.




In order to stay at the Hotel, have a meal at the Hotel restaurant or use a meeting room, the Guest must be able to provide proof of a booking for the service concerned with the Hotel. The Guest undertakes to observe the maximum number of occupants per room. 


Minors: minors are not authorised to book and/or stay in the hotel on their own. 


Minors remain under the sole responsibility and supervision of their parents and/or carers throughout their stay at the Hotel and/or in the various areas attached to the Hotel (garden, car park, etc.). Adults are liable for all damage caused by minors under their care and responsibility with regard to the Hotel and/or any other guest of the Hotel. 


Pets: Pets are not allowed on the hotel premises, with the exception of guide or assistance dogs, by showing a permit stating that the dog has been trained in an approved training centre. The pet must wear the official vest or collar that immediately identifies it as a guide or assistance dog.




Traffic on the access roads to the hotel and car parks must comply with the French highway code (speed limits, priorities, etc.). 


Guests must leave their vehicles in parking spaces strictly reserved for hotel guests. It is forbidden to park in any other space. In the event of non-compliance with the parking rules, the Hotel reserves the right to have the vehicle removed at the Guest’s sole risk and expense. 


People who park their vehicle in a space reserved for electric vehicles and/or people with reduced mobility must inform the hotel reception desk. The Hotel reserves the right to remove any vehicles parked in the aforementioned spaces that do not have the characteristics of an electric vehicle and/or do not display a disabled parking card, at the Guest’s sole risk and expense. It should be noted that owners of non-rechargeable hybrid vehicles are not permitted to park in spaces reserved for electric vehicles. 


Guests are asked not to leave any personal belongings of value in their vehicle. The Hotel may not under any circumstances be held liable for damage caused to the vehicle and/or items left inside, in particular as a result of attempted theft or robbery, acts of vandalism, fires, collisions, etc. Guests are liable for any damage they cause to a third party, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in particular through clumsiness, carelessness, negligence, etc.




All guests staying at the Hotel must show a valid form of identification when checking in at reception. Failing this, the hotelier may refuse to let a room and/or cancel the booking. Foreign residents, including accompanying persons and teenagers over the age of 15, must complete an ‘individual police form’. The information contained in these forms is governed by article R.611-42 of the French Code on Entry and Stay of Aliens and the Right to Asylum. If you have booked through an agency, you must provide proof of booking.




The magnetic card(s) for room access is/are allocated personally, so please take care of it/them and report any loss or disappearance to the Hotel Reception immediately. An identity check will automatically be requested if the card is renewed. Guests must not entrust their room card to a third party and must return it on the day of departure. 


Guests must ensure that all openings (window, door) to the room are closed before leaving the room or going to bed. Guests must not bring into the hotel any person who is not a guest of the hotel, in particular through back doors (garage access, night door, etc.). Anyone accessing the hotel must report to reception.




All bookings are by name only and may under no circumstances be transferred to a third party, whether free of charge or in return for payment. All bookings for third parties must be made in the name of the third party booking the stay. 


Guests may not bring into the room third parties not known to the hotel without the hotelier’s authorisation. Any luggage left in a room after 10:00 am without renewal of the rental will be removed from the room and can be collected by the owner from the hotel reception. 


Access to the rooms must be provided at least once a day so that the Hotel staff can clean them, unless the Guest expressly requests otherwise. 


In view of fire safety regulations, Guests may not reserve a room for a greater number of people than that for which it is intended and/or have the room occupied by a greater number of people than that for which it is intended.



6 - SAFE

Safe deposit boxes are available in the guest rooms for storing valuables. For combination safes, the Guest alone will have knowledge of the combination and under no circumstances will the Hotel be able to open the safe on their behalf. It is therefore up to the Guest to remember their code. 


For items too large for the room safe or of exceptional value, Guests may request the use of a safe at reception on payment of a fixed fee. Safe deposit boxes will be allocated according to the availability of the reception desk and the nature of the item entrusted to it. The Hotel is free to refuse any item that presents a risk to the safety of the premises or is contrary to public order. The hotel accepts no responsibility for valuables not deposited in these safes.




The Guest accepts and undertakes to make reasonable use of the room and communal areas provided. Any behaviour that is contrary to the principles of safety and/or hygiene, public decency and/or public order and that jeopardises the safety of the premises, third parties or the safety of the Guest themselves may lead the Hotel to ask the Guest to leave the Hotel. 


Any damage caused in the room or in the various areas occupied during the stay may be billed directly to the Guest, even if the damage is caused by persons accompanying the Guest. Any damage or nuisance caused voluntarily or involuntarily by the Guest or their companions must be paid for by the person who made the booking, unless that person can establish an external cause. 


Luggage in public areas is under the supervision and full responsibility of its owner. Hotel staff are in no way responsible for letters and parcels sent to Guests staying at the Hotel. The Guest must ensure that they are collected directly, if necessary. For all personal effects recognised as stolen, please note that the Hotel’s liability is limited within the meaning of Article 1953 of the French Civil Code.




Guests are required to comply with the instructions given by the Hotel staff, in particular when implementing evacuation and/or safety procedures. Guests must be courteous and respectful towards the Hotel staff. They must refrain from any verbal or physical violence, from any behaviour or remarks of a sexual, racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic nature, and from any form of harassment. 


The Hotel reserves the right not to receive or to expel any Guest who behaves in a noisy, improper or inebriated manner, or whose behaviour is contrary to public order or morality. 


To show respect for other guests and allow them to rest, Guests and accompanying persons must ensure that they do not slam doors or make noise, particularly between 10.00 pm and 8.00 am. 


Any neighbourhood noise caused by the behaviour of a Guest, one of their companions or a guide or assistance dog placed under their responsibility may lead the Hotel to evict the Guest without the need for acoustic measurements, provided that the noise generated is loud enough to disturb guests’ peace and quiet (Art. R1334-30 and R-1334- 31 of the French Public Health Code). Any compensation offered to a third party as a result of noise caused by a Guest may be invoiced to the Guest. 


A hotel room is a place of rest, where all commerce is strictly forbidden. It is also forbidden to cook in it.  



The Hotel reserves the right not to accept any Guest whose clothing is indecent and/or neglected, or intended to conceal their face (Law No. 2010-1192 of 11 October 2010). Suitable clothing is required in the restaurants and in the hotel’s public areas.



10 - BANS

For safety reasons and out of respect for others, smoking is strictly prohibited on the hotel premises. In accordance with the provisions of the French Public Health Code, which sets out the conditions for the application of the ban on smoking in places intended for collective use, smoking in the Hotel makes the Guest liable for a third-class offence fine or to legal proceedings. 


Penalties equal to a maximum of the price of the room booked may be applied if the Guest does not comply with the notice prohibiting smoking in the room.


 For obvious safety reasons, it is forbidden to use gas or electric appliances such as stoves, hotplates, etc. in the rooms. The equipment made available to the Guest in the room must be used in accordance with its intended purpose. 


It is strictly forbidden to bring into the rooms and/or any part of the establishment any illegal and/or dangerous objects or substances, any type of object or toy with the appearance of a firearm or any type of object or toy that may disturb the peace and quiet of other guests (megaphones, horns, etc.). 


It is forbidden to run or use skates, scooters, etc. or shout in the establishment, day or night, to hang laundry in the windows, to throw any objects out of the window and, in general, to behave in a way that could cause any kind of harm to Hotel guests, Hotel staff and/or the Hotel’s reputation. 


It is forbidden to take photographs of other Hotel occupants or staff, unless the persons concerned have given their express consent. The Hotel may, if it deems appropriate, remove any alcoholic beverage from the room minibar, particularly if the Guest displays obviously drunken behaviour in the public area of the hotel or in the event of nuisance.




For your safety, this establishment is under video surveillance (French Internal Security Code and Decree no. 96-926 of 17 October 1996 on video surveillance, governed by prefectural authorisation, Articles L.223-1 to L223-9, L251-1 to L255-2, L.613-3 & R.223- 2 to R.251-12, R.252-2 to R.252-12 and R.253-1 to R253-4). 


Guests are informed, by means of a notice posted in accordance with the regulations at the entrance to the Hotel and its surroundings, that a video surveillance system has been installed in order to guarantee the safety of Guests and staff and to protect the buildings and installations. Should an incident occur, authorised staff and law enforcement may view said images. All Guests have rights to the images taken of them by the cameras. These rights are set out in greater detail in the article on personal data in these rules. Guests must comply with safety instructions in the event of an incident or in accordance with the provisions in force. In the event of a breach of the provisions of these rules, the hotel may immediately evict the Client and all the persons sharing staying with them.




Compagnie des Alpes (Paris Trade and Company Register no. 349 577 908) and Grevin & Compagnie (subsidiary of Compagnie des Alpes), as joint data controllers, process personal data in connection with the marketing and operation of Parc Astérix products and services and its Hotels. 


This data processing is described in our personal data policy available on our website, and also at the Hotel’s reception. In accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, you have a right of access to information concerning you, as well as a right of rectification, opposition, limitation of processing and deletion that you can exercise by contacting our data protection officer via this form, or by email at, or by post at the address GREVIN & COMPAGNIE, Service Protection des données personnelles - BP 8, 60 128 PLAILLY.




Guests who wish to make a complaint to Grévin et Compagnie SA or report an incident during their stay may do so at the Hotel reception desk or by e-mail to the following address:


In addition, Guests are reminded that they may refer the matter to the consumer ombudsman if they feel they must dispute the Hotel’s decision by contacting Médiation Tourisme et Voyage BP80303, 75823 Paris Cedex 17 – –


Guests must hold the Hotel harmless against any damage caused by a breach of these rules. 


These rules and regulations can be consulted and downloaded from the website and from the Parc Astérix Hotels’ reception desk.