Adrenaline for all the tribe
A family is a bit like a village of indomitable Gauls. A mix of personalities, often volatile, always different! So it’s not easy to please everyone! You’ll be glad to hear that Panoramix himself has chosen specific attractions to suit every family. Vertiginous slides or peaceful boar rides, sporty adventures or magical encounters. There’s something for littl’uns and big’uns alike!
We don’t want to get all steamed up about it, but the programme concocted by Panoramix is really something! As a special treat, the druid has agreed to reveal his legendary cauldrons to your young Gauls. Of course, they’ll have to conduct an investigation to find the recipe for the potion! What with the Vikings and the Romans, it won’t be easy! But your teenagers will be able to experience the effects first hand. When Obelix takes control of an attraction, watch out, their heads will spin!
With diehards, great adventures always end around a banquet. Do like them! Get together as a family around a good table to share your experiences. Wild boar tasting, pizza festival, all-you-can-eat buffet, this time, you are bound to find something to agree on.

The stories of your respective exploits completed, it's time to set off on an adventure, together or each on your own. Ride on the back of a legionnaire for the Petitbonums, descent in buoys for the intrepid, thrilling film, time travel or family show, you did well to perk up because the adventure is far from over .