Contact form

Vous nous contactez pour
Leave a comment following your visit to the Park
Leave a comment following a stay in one of our hotels
Report the loss of an item
Request information on prices
Request information about my ticket
Request information about my visit
Request lots
Form for exercising rights over personal data (GDPR)
Leave a comment following your visit to the Park
Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.
By completing this contact form, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted this information. our confidentiality policy relating to; the use of your personal data.
Leave a comment following a stay in one of our hotels
Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.
By completing this contact form, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted this information. our confidentiality policy relating to; the use of your personal data.
Report the loss of an item

If you wish to report the loss of an object during a visit to the Park, please complete the form by clicking below


Fill in the form

Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.
By completing this contact form, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted this information. our confidentiality policy relating to; the use of your personal data.
Request information on prices
  • If you would like information regarding stays, you can:
  • If you would like information regarding our individual ticketing (less than 20 people):
  • If you would like information regarding our group ticketing (more than 20 people), you can:
    • Call us on +33(0)9 86 86 86 87 (Non-premium rate call - cost of a local call)
    • Send us your request by email:
Request information about my ticket

For any information, confirmation, modification, refund or cancellation of a ticket, you can contact us at the following email address:

Request information about my visit

For any request relating to the smooth running of your visit, you can contact us at the following email address:

Request lots

Our park is associated with actions such as tombola and fairs of numerous schools, associations and services linked to childhood (leisure center, neighborhood center, etc.)

Invitations are awarded if your establishment has organized a group outing in our park over the last three years (2021, 2022 and 2023)

If your request falls within this attribution framework above, we invite you to send us 30 days (at the latest) before the date of your event the following 2 documents:

  • A letter with school or association letterhead, with the date of the event and the signature (of the President or Director) and sealed by the establishment
  • A duplicate invoice for a dated group outing
Form for exercising rights over personal data (GDPR)

This form allows you to send requests to Parc Astérix related to the management of your personal data (deletion of your Parc Astérix account, unsubscription from our Newsletter).
Requests related to your ticket or your visit to the Park will not be processed, we invite you to contact the following email addresses: