Epidemais croisière

Epidemaïs Croisières

Need a truce between two thrilling adventures? Come and put your feet up on Epidemaïs’s cruise ship! Well, that is if the Romans don’t attack you!

Family Amusement Park
Bienvenue chez les Gaulois


Moored in the ‘Welcome to Gaul' zone, Epidemaïs’s ships take you on a tour of the village to meet your favourite heroes. A gentle trip set to music that’s full of surprises. Up ahead there, isn’t that Cleopatra?


During the Gallic Christmas period, the attraction closes its doors at nightfall.


epidemais croisière
epidemais croisière
AS A FAMILY Shipmates from 1.20 m
SURPRISES Your heroes await you just round the corner
EASY DOES IT A break between two loop-the-loops

Obelix probably doesn’t remember this but…

His first encounter with Epidemaïs nearly went horribly wrong. Out hitch-hiking, he and Asterix boarded the ship without suspecting that the fearsome Phoenician ship-owner was planning to sell them into slavery. But that was before the Pirates turned up. Asterix and Obelix fought so hard that he changed his mind. And what about you, young Gauls? Will you be able to persuade Epidemaïs not to turn you into a galley slave?


Obelix parc astérix