Professional equality index

Professional equality index between women and men


The professional equality index note HF of 2023-2024 is 91 / 100.

The results obtained for each indicator:

1- Pay gap : 36 / 40
2- Individual increase spreads : (in % points) : 20 / 20
3- Promotion spreads: 15 / 15
4- Percentage of employees increased on return maternity leave: 15 / 15
5- Number of sex workers under -represented among the 10 highest earners: 5 / 10

- 2022- 2023, the Index was 93 / 100
- 2021- 2022, the index was 92 / 100


‘Results 2024 for the Rixain Law:

- Percentage of women among all senior executives: 27.55%.

- Percentage of men among all senior executives: 72.45


- Percentage of women among all members of management bodies: 35.66

- Percentage of men among all members of management bodies: 64.34% ’